1-Click Signup

The fastest way to sign up new users.

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1-Click Signup

The fastest way for users to sign up for your company.

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Trusted by Top FinTechs

Verified Founders Named Forbes 30 Under 30

Our founders Aidan and Liam McCarty are honored to be included on this prestigious list.

How It Works

With just a phone number, we pull verified data about a user, so they can sign up with 1-Click.

Step 1

User enters phone, and you call /1-click

All you need to do is call 1 API endpoint with the user's phone number:

// POST /1-click

    "phone": "+11073741824"

The users verifies with an SMS link or code, and we pull their verified data from phone carriers, banks, and other trusted partners.

In some cases, when we need extra assurance it's the correct person, we ask the user for their birthday also.

Step 2

User reviews the data you requested they share

From the user's phone number, we can pull verified:

  • Full Legal Name
  • Email
  • Address
  • Date of Birth
  • Full Social Security Number

You can customize this page in detail, for example to request only a subset of data, to control whether each field is required or optional, to disable user inputted data, etc.

Step 3

User clicks button, and you receive data

When the user clicks 1-Click Signup, we pass the data to you so you can create an account for them. It's that easy!

// Data the user shared

    "identifiers": {
        "phone": "+101234567890"
    "credentials": {
        "email": "richard@piedpiper.net",
        "fullName": {
            "firstName": "Richard",
            "lastName": "Hendricks"
        "birthDate": "08/01/1989",
        "address": {
            "line1": "5320 Newell Rd",
            "city": "Palo Alto",
            "state": "CA",
            "zip": "94303",
            "country": "US"
        "ssn": "123456789"
    "metadata": {
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